SKN Loving Foods: Part 1

As the old saying goes, you are what you eat. I believe this 100%! It goes back thousands of years ago to Ayurvedic practices like face mapping. I learned the hard way that what I eat really affects my body, my mood and, my skin. When I eat  greasy foods, dairy, sugar… all the good stuff, I always see it on my skin in the form of new pimples, especially on my cheeks and forehead. My skin texture isn’t as smooth and fine lines and wrinkles are more noticeable too. No one wants that! 

We all know that eating fresh fruits and veggies, whole foods, and drinking lots of water are key for our health. I love reading articles on health and wellness, but I always find that there are so many different things out there from supplements to green powders, that this food is good and this one is bad or has too much sugar, and it’s confusing. There’s so much information out there on social media and the Internet saying eat this, don’t eat that, and so many fad diets that it can be overwhelming to know what is actually good to eat. I’m no nutritionist, but I’ve spent a lot of time researching and really listening to my body to see what foods make me feel great and give my skin an extra boost to glow from the inside out.

From a beauty and skincare perspective, there’s so much contradictory information of estheticians and dermatologists saying that what you eat and drink doesn’t affect your skin, which I don’t believe is true at all! Everything in our body is connected. What we eat and drink, our sleep cycles and quality, and stress all affect our health. Also, external and environmental factors like products, pollution, water quality all can have an adverse reaction on our entire body. 

With that being said, I introduce you to the SKN Loving Food series, a back to basics guide of simple things to eat to help your skin & body on a deeper level...



Almonds contain antioxidants and Vitamin E that helps improve and protect the skin from free radicals, and sun damage. Almonds are also considered brain-food that gives your body the energy it needs. You can eat a variety of salted and sweetened almonds however the best are in their raw form. To make them taste a little better you can toast/roast them and still get the health benefits from them. Chopping them up and adding them into a salad is another way to add almonds into your diet.


The deep colors in the berries are full of antioxidants which help to fight off free-radicals and oxidative stress [these are unstable molecules that happen when we age and are caused by a number of environmental factors such as pollution]. Berries also contain good sugars that help to stabilize blood sugar and prevents us from wanting to reach for the sweets and processed junk food. They are full of anti-inflammatory properties, vitamins, and minerals, the most prominent vitamin is vitamin C. Plus they are extra tasty when you’re craving something sweet. My favorite ways to eat berries are in smoothies, oatmeal, or even a simple bowl of fresh cut berries for dessert.


Celery is definitely having a moment right now too with celery juicing. It is all the rage on social media and people are going crazy about the wonderful benefits of it. Did you know that when you simply eat it, you still get the benefits it provides, plus a few more because the natural fiber isn’t stripped out of it from the juicing process. Celery contains vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, beta carotene, flavonoids, and phytonutrients that help with digestion. It gives your body a boost of antioxidants and reduces inflammation. I personally enjoy eating celery sticks plain or mixed with cucumber. It actually has a refreshing and satisfying taste.


Cucumber is 95% water, which is essential for rehydrating your body and eliminating toxins. The skin contains Vitamin C. When you’re properly hydrated – your skin appears more bouncy, smoother, and more alive. These properties help moisturize, sooth, and soften the skin. Cucumbers also contain anti-inflammatory properties, which are beneficial for acne-prone skin. Add cucumbers in your smoothies or juices, as a topping to salads, or eat them raw to get the most benefits from them.


Turmeric is everywhere from lattes, supplements, and powders... it is definitely trending and can be pricey. But I’m going to let you in on a little secret, I get fresh turmeric root from the Indian or Persian markets by me and it’s so cheap! (it looks like fresh ginger root, except its brown-ish and orange) and I chop it up and freeze it to put it in my smoothies and golden water. Turmeric is a staple in Indian food and is also used in Eastern/Ayurvedic medicine for its curative properties. Besides being used in cooking, giving food a bright yellow color and unique flavor, turmeric is full of anti-inflammatory, healing, skin-softening, and blood-purifying properties. 

And when you pair healthy eating with the Clay Mask your skin will glow from the inside out and the outside in!

More SKN Loving Foods to come!

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