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Change is something that is different from what is or from what would be if left alone. When change is in the air, it can invoke many emotions. Change often brings a sense of fear, but change can be exciting, allowing for new opportunities. It is how you react to change that helps you over come and embrace it.

Change is constant in life and in a way, change in your life can set things in motion, guiding you to act on something that you otherwise wouldn't. Embrace the change in your life by seeing it as an opportunity, a steppingstone, and a lesson. In order to embrace change you must open yourself up to it on a deeper level. You will find a greater meaning for the change and learn more about yourself.  


It's important to remember that while some changes in life are out of your control, you do have the power to make changes to better yourself and those around you. Your mind is way more powerful than you think... If you want to see a positive change in your life you must embrace change inside of yourself. Step out of you comfort zone and take advantage of the opportunities that are all around you. If you feel passionate about something, don't let others hold you back. Instead of asking the question why, ask why not?